Radial Seal vs Axial Seal

When you use industry machinery that handle fluid materials or fine grains, you’ve probably noticed ring-like rubber seals seated near the junction or the lid. These are commonly known as seals. Seals such as O rings are pretty common in hydraulic, automotive, industrial, aerospace, and numerous other applications. Though they appear to be just “rubber rings” to the naked eye, they are quite distinctive in their functionalities.

Depending on the direction they experience the compressive force from the machine or the elements, the seals fall into two main categories: the Radial Seal and the Axial Seal. 

Let’s briefly find out what they are and how they are unique to their applications.

Radial Seal

These seals experience the majority of the compressive force on their sides, which means the external force or pressure works on the inner and outer diameters of the ring. Take a syringe, for example. When we reciprocate the plunger inside the syringe’s barrel, the outer surface of the seal prevents leakage around the circumference and undergoes a frictional force parallel to the motion. Similarly, the inner surface of the seal deals with the plunger’s downward motion.

Radial seals are ubiquitous in applications requiring reciprocating or rotating shafts. They can be further divided into Static and Dynamic Radial Seals.

Axial Seal

Much like vertically squeezing a doughnut, these rings deal with forces that work perpendicularly on their top and bottom surfaces. Unlike radial seals, these can withstand a significant amount of compressive or static pressure. You’ll find them on valves, flanges, pumps, and other hydraulic and pneumatic systems that have a chance to leak fluid or air. Due to their high compressibility, they’re more common on the face of flange-type applications. 

Radial Seal vs Axial Seal: Comparison 

Let’s take a side-by-side look at how the two seals differ from each other in various parameters.

ParameterRadial SealAxial Seal
MechanismForces work on the outer and inner circumference.Forces work on the top and bottom surfaces.
Other composite materials. 
ShapeUsually circular, with a lip or edgethat hugs the shaft or rod.It can be either flat or conical.
Primary ApplicationsHydraulic pumps
Power steering systems
Heat exchangers
Cryogenic systems
Use casesRotating shafts
Reciprocating rods
Dynamic sealing
Bore sealingStatic (No relative motion)
High-pressure environments
Plug sealing
Crush sealing
Thermal expansion
 Static sealing

Choosing Between Radial and Axial Seals

Since the build, gland design, and purpose of these two seals are different, it is your responsibility to choose the proper one for its job. Here’s how you can quickly determine,

Radial Seals

To maintain seal geometry and provide support.
If there’s a reciprocating or a spinning motion.
Usually if it’s a low-pressure application. For dynamic, high-pressure instances, make sure the design and material are appropriate.
If you do not require high tolerances and occasional spills are okay.
If there’s room for Auxiliary dirt seals for contaminants (dust, dirt, abrasive chemicals).

Axial Seals

To retain large volumes of static fluids.
To allow heavy compression.
If there’s no relative motion.
If it’s a high-pressure application.
If you need tighter sealings with low tolerances.
If there’s a low presence of contaminant particles.

If you need more professional technical information, please contact the TYS team to provide you with industrial sealing solutions suitable for your industry.

More Resource

What types of seals are used in hydraulic cylinder?
Rod Seal VS Piston Seal
Gasket vs O-ring

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